I have developed so many tools in the lab (in python) for easing my workflow. Now I wish to convert those to opensource packages so that I can easily install them in the future from PyPi and maybe they will become useful for some other people.
The process to convert my script to installable format starts with finding a good name for the script. For that I need to go to the following url and search whether that name is already taken or not. Fortunately for me the name
was not taken so I am using the same. -
Next, we need to make a GitHub repository with the same name. Here is mine
Then we have to clone the repo to our development machine and start adding our code. PyPi expects our code to be in a particular format that is available at this Real python tutorial
To test the code install it in editable format
pip install -e .
Once the code is thoroughly tested, it is time to push the code to PyPi
In the root folder of project type the following
pip install twine python setup.py sdist bdist_wheel twine upload dist/*
You can now install the project by using the following command
sudo -H pip install meshx
Creating a repository on PyPi is quite straight forward if we follow the steps correctly. I have added the references below that I have used to make this project. This project is quite small and anyone can read through all the files to get a feel for making there own project on PyPi.