The accompanying Jupyter notebook can be obtained here 1_3d_uniaxial
3D Uniaxial bar
The objective of this exercise is to implement a 3D finite element analysis (FEA) program using FEniCS. You are required to create a FEniCS code that performs the analysis, solve for the displacements and stresses in the bar, and visualize the results.
Materials: - Steel material properties: - Young's Modulus (E): 200 GPa - Poisson's Ratio (ν): 0.3 - Density (ρ): 7850 kg/m^3
Bar Dimensions: - Length (Lx): 1 meter - Ly and Lz: 0.02 meters (20 mm)
Boundary Conditions: - One end of the bar is fixed (fixed boundary condition). - The other end is subjected to a uniaxial tensile load: - Load (F): 10,000 N
Mesh: - Use a simple 3D mesh for the bar, consisting of tetrahedral elements.
- Import FEniCS and Necessary Libraries
- Define the Geometry and Mesh
- Define the Material Properties
- Define the Boundary Conditions
- Define the Finite Element Function Space
- Formulate the Governing Equations.
- Solve the System
- Calculate Stress
- Post-Processing and Visualization: