The motivation to create the Introduction to FEniCS course stems from several key objectives to address the needs and challenges faced by students and professionals in engineering and science disciplines. These motivations include:

  1. Bridging the Gap in PDE Problem-Solving Skills: The course is designed to equip participants with the necessary tools to solve partial differential equations (PDEs), which are prevalent in various fields such as solid mechanics, heat transfer, and mass transport. There is a recognized need for advanced problem-solving skills in these areas, and FEniCS offers a robust solution.
  2. Introducing High-Performance Computing (HPC) to a Wider Audience: FEniCS is not just another computational tool; it's a high-performance computing-capable platform that can significantly enhance the efficiency and scope of scientific computations. The course aims to democratize access to HPC capabilities, enabling more researchers and practitioners to perform large-scale simulations and complex analyses.
  3. Enhancing Interactive and Practical Learning: Traditional learning methods may need to equip learners to handle PDEs' real-world complexities fully. By using Jupyter Notebooks and interactive exercises, the course promotes an active learning environment where participants can see the immediate impact of the code they write and understand the practical applications of the theoretical concepts they learn.
  4. Promoting Collaborative and Cutting-Edge Research: By training a cohort of skilled individuals capable of utilizing FEniCS for various applications, the course aims to foster collaboration and innovation in scientific research and engineering solutions. The partnership between IIT Madras and Vanderbilt University in creating this course material reflects the global and collaborative approach to education and research.
  5. Fulfilling the Need for Scalable and Efficient Solutions: As scientific and engineering problems become more complex, the demand for scalable and efficient computational methods rises. FEniCS, with its capabilities for parallel computing and integration with other HPC tools, offers a pathway to meeting these demands. The course is motivated by the desire to empower participants with these advanced tools to address today's problems and future challenges.

In summary, the motivation behind creating the Introduction to FEniCS course is to provide a comprehensive, interactive, and practical learning experience that enhances participants' abilities to solve complex PDEs, introduces them to high-performance computing, and prepares them for collaborative and innovative work in their respective fields.